hwpics: Waiting
hwpics: D basting the turkey
hwpics: Turkey
hwpics: Showing off
hwpics: Apron!
hwpics: Rebecca
hwpics: Rebecca tickling D
hwpics: Genna and Kevin
hwpics: Genna and Kevin
hwpics: Poe Kat
hwpics: Sides, glorious sides
hwpics: Opening the champagne
hwpics: App Table
hwpics: Me and Kevin
hwpics: Pop Tarts
hwpics: My plate, yum
hwpics: Chatting
hwpics: Thanksgiving Dinner
hwpics: Genna playing with D
hwpics: Fire Pit
hwpics: enjoying the warmth
hwpics: Jon, Mafia style
hwpics: Jon and D
hwpics: Jon and D
hwpics: Jon, Dennis and Rebecca
hwpics: Fire
hwpics: By the fire
hwpics: Me and D
hwpics: It looks like he is offering d his whiskey
hwpics: Jon and Dennis