rastheather: Hayden on ice
rastheather: Hayden on ice 2
rastheather: Hayden with puck
rastheather: Hayden with team
rastheather: Hayden with team 2
rastheather: Hayden on ice 3
rastheather: Hayden close up
rastheather: Hayden close up 2
rastheather: Jr Roughriders vs. Des Moines
rastheather: Hayden backward
rastheather: Hot on the trail of the puck
rastheather: Going for it!
rastheather: Hayden crashing
rastheather: Talking strategy
rastheather: Hayden
rastheather: He shoots and scores!
rastheather: Hayden
rastheather: Coaches
rastheather: At Buccaneers rink in Des Moines
rastheather: Des Moines Snow Blizzard tournament
rastheather: A whistle for that?
rastheather: Moving down the ice
rastheather: Score! Fist pump.
rastheather: Hockey buddies
rastheather: A little pow-wow
rastheather: Hayden with the puck
rastheather: Gotta get it in!
rastheather: He shoots...
rastheather: Hayden CR tourney 1
rastheather: Hayden CR tourney 2