Heather Moore:
My demo head
Heather Moore:
Heather Moore:
Crani for Tum
Heather Moore:
Heather Moore:
bloody sheet count
Heather Moore:
Paraxial/sagital shots of v.body
Heather Moore:
Watching. Aiming.
Heather Moore:
Big axial cut
Heather Moore:
The O at work
Heather Moore:
Spine @ Santa Rosa
Heather Moore:
Heather Moore:
The new O-arm @ UCSF
Heather Moore:
Bifrontal Crani
Heather Moore:
Bifrontal Crani
Heather Moore:
Blood pool
Heather Moore:
The new way.
Heather Moore:
Heather Moore:
The old way.
Heather Moore:
funny, but not.
Heather Moore:
Vending Machines
Heather Moore: