heatherbirdtx: southbound on I-35
heatherbirdtx: antlers
heatherbirdtx: Alan and a pouty Joanna
heatherbirdtx: Joanna with her idol, Sadie
heatherbirdtx: Alan plays guitar Friday night
heatherbirdtx: Sophie and her shells
heatherbirdtx: looking at bugs
heatherbirdtx: Mom and shells keep Sophie entertained
heatherbirdtx: garden flowers
heatherbirdtx: discovering the truth about the "tortuga"
heatherbirdtx: watering the turtle
heatherbirdtx: Miss Sophie helps water the plants
heatherbirdtx: Dad helps to replace lost shoes
heatherbirdtx: climbing on for a ride
heatherbirdtx: looking in the mirror
heatherbirdtx: looking in the mirror
heatherbirdtx: Rachel and Sophie
heatherbirdtx: neck kisses
heatherbirdtx: Sophie and i inspect stickers
heatherbirdtx: stickers!
heatherbirdtx: Rachel seizes the opportunity to polish Sophie's last three unpolished toenails...
heatherbirdtx: Kenny waves "hi" to neighbors
heatherbirdtx: back patio knickknack
heatherbirdtx: aztec god residing on the back porch
heatherbirdtx: a little post-nap guitar music
heatherbirdtx: Alan distracts Sophie so parents can eat
heatherbirdtx: "Sophie, can you say 'Taj Mahal?' Very good!"