heatherbirdtx: The Birthday Girl
heatherbirdtx: Henry hides behind a chair
heatherbirdtx: ...and then ducks under a table when Bill points the camera at him.
heatherbirdtx: Daniel, also under the table, but at the other end of the house
heatherbirdtx: Ethan and Hayden
heatherbirdtx: Wonder Woman strikes a dynamic pose.
heatherbirdtx: children gather for lighting of candles
heatherbirdtx: kids scavenge for ice cream
heatherbirdtx: Benjamin and his new teeth
heatherbirdtx: my fellow photographer
heatherbirdtx: Moms make the party happen
heatherbirdtx: washing Hayden's face
heatherbirdtx: Mom and Bethany
heatherbirdtx: Hayden, with spatula, at the piano
heatherbirdtx: musically inclined
heatherbirdtx: Henry the Dirt Devil
heatherbirdtx: She can lift an ENTIRE GALLON OF MILK!
heatherbirdtx: a visit from "Aunt 'Nate"
heatherbirdtx: Renate gives Kramer some much needed affection
heatherbirdtx: Renate comes bearing, uh, birthday gifts
heatherbirdtx: Benjamin and Bethany
heatherbirdtx: playing Apples to Apples
heatherbirdtx: Mom, playing Apples to Apples
heatherbirdtx: watching the shuttle launch
heatherbirdtx: Kimberly