heatherbirdtx: Nancy and Evelyn
heatherbirdtx: Mom peruses grandbaby pics
heatherbirdtx: Bethany begs the waitress to feed the kids soon!
heatherbirdtx: Benjamin acting like a goof
heatherbirdtx: Judith and Bethany
heatherbirdtx: Daniel chewing on his favorite doggie
heatherbirdtx: Bethany tickles Henry so he'll smile for the camera
heatherbirdtx: Bill and Kimberly
heatherbirdtx: down the table
heatherbirdtx: Kimberly shows me her shoes
heatherbirdtx: Mom and me (and Stan)
heatherbirdtx: Evelyn and Jeff
heatherbirdtx: Kimberly asks where did Uncle Michael's hair go?
heatherbirdtx: Stan, expressing himself
heatherbirdtx: The guys compare gadgets
heatherbirdtx: my mom-in-law