heatherbees: i think the cockroach wants to fight.
heatherbees: what the...
heatherbees: no idea
heatherbees: bohemians?
heatherbees: Father Christopher
heatherbees: Joe The Plumber
heatherbees: Emerald the high-rolling intern
heatherbees: pigging out w/ bill clinton
heatherbees: Hillary, Father, Pimp, Flapper
heatherbees: Shaun... of the Dead
heatherbees: Sarah Palinstein, Pilot, Pimp
heatherbees: Plumber vs. Cockroach
heatherbees: Obama 'fro
heatherbees: spooky porch
heatherbees: kevin, dawn, heather
heatherbees: Sarah Palin initiating a game of kick-the-baby
heatherbees: flapper twins!
heatherbees: discussing the finer points of the sashay