HeatherandDavid: Rebecca and Daddy 6_10_2006
HeatherandDavid: Marina Del Rey 6_6_2006
HeatherandDavid: Award Ceremony 6_8_2006
HeatherandDavid: Randy and Kelly Honorary AIA 6_8_2006
HeatherandDavid: Rebecca at LA Zoo 6_7_2006
HeatherandDavid: Rebecca and monkeys LA Zoo 6_7_2006
HeatherandDavid: Rebecca loves the Ritz 6_9_2006
HeatherandDavid: Rebecca loves the Ritz 4 6_9_2006
HeatherandDavid: 6_10_2006 Goodie bag from the Ritz
HeatherandDavid: 6_9_2006
HeatherandDavid: Happy in car seat 6_9_2006
HeatherandDavid: Dad and Rebecca at the Ritz 6_6_2006
HeatherandDavid: Beach 6_9_2006
HeatherandDavid: LA County Museum of Art 6_10_2006 Calder sculpture
HeatherandDavid: 6_10_2006 Dad and Rebecca LA County Museum of Art
HeatherandDavid: 6_10_2006 LA County Museum of ARt
HeatherandDavid: 6_10_2006 Mom and Rebecca LA County Musem of Art
HeatherandDavid: LA county museum of art - 6_10_2006 - R & Mom in front of Calder sculpture
HeatherandDavid: 6_10_2006 R and Mom at LA County Museum of Art
HeatherandDavid: 6_10_2006 LA County Museum of Art Family Shot
HeatherandDavid: Family at the LA County Museum of Art 6_10_2006
HeatherandDavid: I love this bed 6_7_2006
HeatherandDavid: Happy Rebecca at the Ritz Carlton 6_7_2006
HeatherandDavid: Happy Rebecca in fluffy Ritz Carlton bed 6_7_2006
HeatherandDavid: Happy Rebecca at the Ritz Carlton 6_7_2006