The_Smiths: Playing in the pool at daycare
The_Smiths: Handsome boy (crazy hair)
The_Smiths: Pumpkin guts
The_Smiths: Leaves!
The_Smiths: Painting
The_Smiths: Hand mold
The_Smiths: On this day his hands came home green
The_Smiths: Yum.
The_Smiths: The infamous blowout
The_Smiths: Such a smartie
The_Smiths: Making friends
The_Smiths: Covered in mashed potatoes??
The_Smiths: First time sleeping on a cot
The_Smiths: More paint in his mouth
The_Smiths: 100_3960
The_Smiths: Eating at the table like a big boy.
The_Smiths: Stacking cups
The_Smiths: Reading books
The_Smiths: Crazy hair day
The_Smiths: Terrorizing the room with the walker
The_Smiths: Oh that seems like a good idea.
The_Smiths: Through the tunnel
The_Smiths: Kneel before me!
The_Smiths: Smurfs for snack.
The_Smiths: Pudding party!
The_Smiths: Ballerina
The_Smiths: More painting
The_Smiths: Pushing a toy.
The_Smiths: Goo!