The_Smiths: The morning of his birthday
The_Smiths: Birthday cake and goodies
The_Smiths: Little Alvin's First Birthday Cake
The_Smiths: A snack
The_Smiths: Nathaniel plays while baby eats
The_Smiths: Birthday banner
The_Smiths: Holly & Dad
The_Smiths: May
The_Smiths: Little Alvin's First Birthday
The_Smiths: Junior, Barb, Little Alvin, and Dan
The_Smiths: David, Nathaniel, and Selah
The_Smiths: Rochelle, Ron, and Little Alvin
The_Smiths: Little Alvin's First Birthday
The_Smiths: Gabby and Antonio
The_Smiths: Birthday cake
The_Smiths: Little Alvin having his first bit of cake
The_Smiths: Little Alvin is officially a one year old!
The_Smiths: Eating more cake
The_Smiths: Eating cake
The_Smiths: Dids
The_Smiths: Sleemans
The_Smiths: Kami & David
The_Smiths: The Olson Family
The_Smiths: Tieming and Sayf
The_Smiths: Ash
The_Smiths: Clare hanging out
The_Smiths: Let's start here
The_Smiths: So many presents!
The_Smiths: Where do I start?
The_Smiths: Opening presents with Mommy