Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Fruit-Filled Birdbath
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Planter Lanterns
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Leaf Ice Vases
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Cranberry Ice Candles
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Cranberry Snow Candles
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Snow & Cranberry Candle Lanterns
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Candle Lanterns
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Double Vase Lanterns
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Over-sized Mason Jar Lantern
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Ice Vase Candle Display
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Ice Candle Bowl
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Candle Ice Tray
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Ice Mushroom Lanterns
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Pine Cone Ice Lantern
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Ice Candle Bowls
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Woodland Ice Vases
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Botanical Berry ice
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Ice Teddy Bear
Heath & the B.L.T. boys: Cranberry Ice Wreath