Week 11: Precious (Water)
Week 14: Feet [Someday soon, you'll be walking, too]
Week 19: With Mum
Week 20: Moving [between the fountain]
Week 20: Moving [The dance of the sea jellies]
Week 22: Colour [What children bring into our lives...]
Week 22: Colour [A slice of the rainbow]
Week 23: Content
Week 24: Out & About
Week 24: Out & About
Week 25: Favourite Toy
Week 29: Family (strolling through the gardens)
Week 30: Hands [prayer beads]
Week 31: Watching [and enjoying the parade]
Week 33: Inside [sleeping away the heat]
Week 19: With Mum
Week 36: With Dad[s?]
Week 37: Sharing [Let's share the view, too, please??]
Week 39: A moment [a fallen flower]
Week 41: From Above [what's your best angle?]
Week 43: Beautiful [even if it's one flower among many]
Week 44: Special [it doesn't matter if it's raining, as long as we're together]
Week 45: Holding
Week 46: In the car
Week 47: Freestyle [smoke from incense stick]
Week 48: Water
Week 49: Tired [a test of resilience]
Week 50: From the side ["If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."]