Healthy Gulf: a DSC_0130
Healthy Gulf: Taylor source NRC 121 0063
Healthy Gulf: Taylor Extent looking northwest at platforms NRC 121 0063
Healthy Gulf: International Marine Terminals Barge Loader Fumble NRC 121 0076
Healthy Gulf: Kinder-Morgan International Marine Terminals Barge Loader Fumble NRC 121 0076
Healthy Gulf: Sargassum drift southwest of Taylor sheen
Healthy Gulf: Taylor leak estimated extent 04 23 2018 7 5 miles
Healthy Gulf: scott and kira in plane
Healthy Gulf: Sargassum in Blue Waters of the Gulf
Healthy Gulf: Islands are Bird habitat
Healthy Gulf: Sea level rise has forced open the Mardi Gras Pass Crevasse, which is now laying a new Delta formation in Bay Uhlan.
Healthy Gulf: Taylor Energy Oil Sheen, showing point source
Healthy Gulf: Taylor oil sheen, showing extent
Healthy Gulf: At low river levels, the brown color of mississippi muds and the green color of algae blooms is apparent closer to shore
Healthy Gulf: At low river levels, the boundary between the algae-green, nutrient-laden waters of the river, versus the deep blue ocean waters, are more apparent.
Healthy Gulf: the muddy waters of the mississippi deposit heavy sands in shallow bays.
Healthy Gulf: UBT cleaning up