Healthy Gulf: IMG_8339 coal and otter prints in batture
Healthy Gulf: IMG_8341 otter print
Healthy Gulf: IMG_8345 coal and otter prints
Healthy Gulf: IMG_8352 devin pulling kayak
Healthy Gulf: IMG_8361 devin instpecting
Healthy Gulf: IMG_8365 devin inspecting
Healthy Gulf: IMG_8444 callinectes sapidus eaten by otter
Healthy Gulf: IMG_8445 callinectes sapidus eaten by otter in coal
Healthy Gulf: IMG_8461 black specs in water
Healthy Gulf: IMG_8469 black specs in water
Healthy Gulf: IMG_8489
Healthy Gulf: IMG_8289 older loader dirty UB
Healthy Gulf: IMG_8292 residue from uncovered conveyor on site
Healthy Gulf: IMG_8303 conveyor spillage and water
Healthy Gulf: IMG_8322 nugget as found
Healthy Gulf: IMG_8324 oily coal or pet coke nugget