Heal the Bay: CA Spiny Lobsters in a "Lobster Condo"
Heal the Bay: Delicate nudibranch
Heal the Bay: Anemone
Heal the Bay: Female CA Sheephead
Heal the Bay: Black and Yellow Rockfish
Heal the Bay: Juvenile scorpionfish
Heal the Bay: Brown Rockfish
Heal the Bay: Anemone
Heal the Bay: Blood star
Heal the Bay: Nudibranch and blood star
Heal the Bay: Pterogophera (algae) and a sea star
Heal the Bay: View above
Heal the Bay: Articulated Coralline
Heal the Bay: Giant Kelp
Heal the Bay: Purple Urchins and juvenile Rainbow Perch
Heal the Bay: Anemone
Heal the Bay: Gorgonian and Pterogophera
Heal the Bay: Gorgonian
Heal the Bay: CA Scorpionfish
Heal the Bay: School of baby blacksmith
Heal the Bay: CA Spiny Lobster and a giant-spined sea star
Heal the Bay: Anemones
Heal the Bay: Rockfish
Heal the Bay: Blacksmith
Heal the Bay: Camouflaged Giant Kelpfish and a Garibaldi
Heal the Bay: Rock scallop and purple urchins
Heal the Bay: Black & Yellow Rockfish
Heal the Bay: CA Spiny Lobsters
Heal the Bay: Spanish Shawl Nudibranch
Heal the Bay: Porter's Chromodorid