Heal the Bay: Gopher Rockfish at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Rose Anemone at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Red Abalone at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Chestnut cowrie at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Treefish at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Kelp Rockfish at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Ca Sea Cucumber at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Sunflower Stars at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Hermissinda Nudibranch at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Rose Anemone at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: White Sea Cucumber at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Anemone at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Black and Yellow Rockfish at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Chestnut Cowries at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Serpentine Star at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Spanish shawl nudibranch at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Big hermit crab at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Rose anemone and chestnut cowrie at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Gopher Rockfish at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: White Sea Cucumber at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Anemones and urchins at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Leather Star at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: White-spotted Rose Anemone at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Transect line over urchins, CA Sheephead, and a black and yellow rockfish at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Rose anemone and purple urchins at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: White-spotted dorid and a serpentine star at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Chestnut Cowrie and a Porter's Chromodorid at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Club-tipped anemones at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Green anemone at Naples Reef
Heal the Bay: Diver at Naples Reef