headphonerecord: Tube'n it
headphonerecord: Post tube mellow
headphonerecord: Sunbather
headphonerecord: Super fun times
headphonerecord: Canoe nap a trois
headphonerecord: For anth and Jenny
headphonerecord: We define our own terms
headphonerecord: Reorient
headphonerecord: Final color :)
headphonerecord: Color variation
headphonerecord: Second color split fountain
headphonerecord: Ape do fridge
headphonerecord: Rubylith overlay on first color print
headphonerecord: Giant shirt stack and Eric
headphonerecord: New tint first color in the drying rack
headphonerecord: 1st of 3 colors
headphonerecord: New rubylith in progress
headphonerecord: Dear loyal finished
headphonerecord: Final color screen
headphonerecord: Dear loyal - next color
headphonerecord: Prints in the drying wrack
headphonerecord: Screen at ape do good
headphonerecord: Rubylith + sketchbook
headphonerecord: Valentine for my bunny
headphonerecord: Valentine for my bunny
headphonerecord: Valentine for my bunny
headphonerecord: Valentine for my bunny