B.Heacker: Cheese...
B.Heacker: Water Gardens-1-8
B.Heacker: Water Gardens-1-7
B.Heacker: Zachary
B.Heacker: Zachary has claimed our new chair cushion
B.Heacker: Abby
B.Heacker: Abby enjoying the weather
B.Heacker: Isabel checking out a feather
B.Heacker: Chiquita
B.Heacker: Isabel is a chihuahua that I rescued from the local animal shelter.
B.Heacker: I can't bark but I can roar! Not really though.... I lost my voice several months ago - vet can't figure out why. So I just LOOK like I'm roaring...when actually barely a squeak comes out!
B.Heacker: My two pound pups.
B.Heacker: Everyone deserves a little R&R - hope you get yours today!
B.Heacker: I may be old and fat and lazy and have a slightly drooping bottom lip and a torn eyelid... but I am happy and loved... Are you?
B.Heacker: Oh this sun feels so good... hey, can you hand me the sunscreen?
B.Heacker: IMG_1889
B.Heacker: Have you shared a smile today?
B.Heacker: Smiles were made to be shared.
B.Heacker: My little princess Chiweenie - 11 yr old Abby
B.Heacker: My girls are very happy to have me home for a few weeks. This is Izzy.
B.Heacker: Zachary on bird patrol
B.Heacker: Backyard photos
B.Heacker: Have you hugged a Chihuahua today?
B.Heacker: So glad we don't sleep nose to tail - wonder if that thing tickles...
B.Heacker: All dogs go to Heaven
B.Heacker: Paying her respects
B.Heacker: One of the best couch potato companions ever!
B.Heacker: My snuggle bunny for the day.
B.Heacker: Aren't these the cutest paws you've ever seen? lol
B.Heacker: My snuggle bunny for the day