hdptcar: Women working
hdptcar: Woman sitting under a shelter made of hay
hdptcar: Water distribution on the Kabo IDP site
hdptcar: Boys carrying water
hdptcar: Solidarités is one of the NGO working on the IDP site in Kabo
hdptcar: Girl in front of a mosquito net
hdptcar: MSF tent on the Kabo site
hdptcar: Kabo Health Centre
hdptcar: Armed man in Kabo
hdptcar: In front of the shool in Kabo
hdptcar: Crowded classroom in the only school of Kabo
hdptcar: Clasroom in Kabo
hdptcar: Girl studying in class
hdptcar: Young girl attending class
hdptcar: IDPs and local children in the only school of Kabo
hdptcar: Children showing school supplies