hdoug50: Many police openly videoing rally. This is a form of intimidation.
hdoug50: The tyrants pay them, so I guess that makes them... uh oh!
hdoug50: At the little park we stopped to hear some people speak.
hdoug50: One of my favorite signs.
hdoug50: This is what democracy looks like. NOT. This is what a police state looks like.
hdoug50: The Japanese don't want no TPP!
hdoug50: Another favorite for its unambiguous message
hdoug50: Truly said!
hdoug50: Moana Nui reads its Statement
hdoug50: NoMoola.com produced many of the signs and artwork. Mahalo!
hdoug50: Here we go down Isenberg.
hdoug50: Yes We Can
hdoug50: Really good message here. I InstaGrammed this one.
hdoug50: Many layers of police and note the yellow shirt bicycle police with the helmet cam. Every now and then the police would tell us they were here to protect us and our rights. Why then, are they facing us and not watching out for threats against us?
hdoug50: Rapa Nui is not for sale!
hdoug50: March getting ready to roll!
hdoug50: Get on the bus! Going to the rally at Old Stadium Park.
hdoug50: Mahalo nui loa to Occupy Honolulu!
hdoug50: The grey car was parked by itself across the street in a no parking zone videoing us. Note the helmet cam too. I wonder if there can be a Freedom of Information Act kind of demand for the release of the videos? I want to see myself sometimes!
hdoug50: This sign adds "Apec Sucks" just in case you didn't get it
hdoug50: The rally is already in progress when I get there.
hdoug50: Justice for Kollin Elderts!