hcopperm: DSC04952.JPG
hcopperm: DSC04953.JPG
hcopperm: Matthias and lake
hcopperm: DSC04955.JPG
hcopperm: DSC04956.JPG
hcopperm: Cow in the middle of the road
hcopperm: Alpies!
hcopperm: Mountain valley in Switzerland
hcopperm: DSC04961.JPG
hcopperm: DSC04962.JPG
hcopperm: DSC04963.JPG
hcopperm: On our way up to the top of an Alp
hcopperm: DSC04965.JPG
hcopperm: DSC04966.JPG
hcopperm: DSC04967.JPG
hcopperm: DSC04968.JPG
hcopperm: DSC04969.JPG
hcopperm: DSC04970.JPG
hcopperm: DSC04971.JPG
hcopperm: DSC04972.JPG
hcopperm: Extreme Sitting
hcopperm: Extreme sitting
hcopperm: DSC04975.JPG
hcopperm: DSC04977.JPG
hcopperm: Those two dots are Rowan and Matthias
hcopperm: Silliest window ever.
hcopperm: Our native guide
hcopperm: Hannah and Matthias on top of a mountain
hcopperm: Hannah on a mountain
hcopperm: DSC04983.JPG