christianisthedj: Samnaun by nite
christianisthedj: Jønsson hitting it close
christianisthedj: Going around the avalanche
christianisthedj: The man and the mountain
christianisthedj: Kinda stuck...
christianisthedj: Trapped inside of Ice Age
christianisthedj: First descent!
christianisthedj: The mountain that was to be conquered
christianisthedj: Unit giving me the eye
christianisthedj: Unit taking it all the way
christianisthedj: DJ Elevator grubling
christianisthedj: Waiting for the sun
christianisthedj: Foggy business in Laax
christianisthedj: A long walk ahead...
christianisthedj: Walk walk walk walk walk = Powder
christianisthedj: Preparing for a long march
christianisthedj: Fantastic scenery!!
christianisthedj: Reaching the top!
christianisthedj: Powder dogs!
christianisthedj: Mountain climbing 2
christianisthedj: Mountain climbing
christianisthedj: Swedish friends
christianisthedj: Diving fast
christianisthedj: Nature in motion
christianisthedj: Dipping down the valley
christianisthedj: Painting on snow
christianisthedj: Making it happen
christianisthedj: Jøns pumping powder