HCL Bindery:
Lakebreeze Addition Hennepin County, Minnesota., No. 2918
HCL Bindery:
Eagle Lake Heights 2nd Addition Rearrangement Hennepin County, Minn., No. 2917
HCL Bindery:
Oak Hill Cemetery First Addition Richfield Hennepin County Minnesota, No. 2916
HCL Bindery:
Sunset Memorial Park Hennepin County, Minnesota., No. 2914
HCL Bindery:
Oak Hill Cemetery Second Addition Richfield, No. 2913
HCL Bindery:
Plat of Auditor's Subdivision Number 154, No. 2912
HCL Bindery:
Lyndale Riverside Acres Hennepin County, Minnesota., No. 2911
HCL Bindery:
St. Anthony Terrace Minneapolis, Minnesota., No. 2910
HCL Bindery:
Parkland Minneapolis, Minnesota., No. 2909
HCL Bindery:
Rearrangement of Harriet South Shore Heights Hennepin County, Minnesota., No. 2908
HCL Bindery:
Broad View Addition to Minneapolis Minn., No. 2907
HCL Bindery:
Plat of Auditor's Subdivision Number 150, No. 2906
HCL Bindery:
Country Club District Fairway Section Block 15 Hennepin County Minnesota, No. 2904
HCL Bindery:
Plat of Auditor's Subdivision Number 151, No. 2903