HCL Bindery:
Marshall & Heard's Wood Lake Garden Lots, No. 1116
HCL Bindery:
Reeve Park, Third Division, No. 1117
HCL Bindery:
Fields' Subdivision of Block 13, Oliver Park Addition to Minneapolis, No. 1118
HCL Bindery:
Berry's 1st Addition to Minneapolis, No. 1119
HCL Bindery:
Eustis' Re-Arrangement of Blocks 7 & 8, Powderhorn Park Addition to Minneapolis, No. 1120
HCL Bindery:
Medicine Lake Park, First Division, Hennepin Co., Minn., No. 1121
HCL Bindery:
Plat of Gramercy Park, Hennepin Co., Minn., No. 1122
HCL Bindery:
Mealey's Grand View, Revised. Hennepin Co., Minn., No. 1123
HCL Bindery:
Plat of Upland Addition to Minneapolis, Apr. 1887, No. 1124
HCL Bindery:
Second Avenue North Addition to Minneapolis, No. 1125
HCL Bindery:
Plat of Hinkley's Addition to Minneapolis, May 1887, No. 1127
HCL Bindery:
Beeman, Gould and Denton's Addition to Excelsior, No. 1128
HCL Bindery:
Minnehaha Outlots, No. 1129