HCL Bindery: Monroe Bro's Addition to Minneapolis, No. 353
HCL Bindery: Laymans Add'n to Minneapolis, No. 354
HCL Bindery: Hastings' Add'n to Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Minn., No. 355
HCL Bindery: 26th Street Addition to Minneapolis, No. 356
HCL Bindery: Channell & Haywood's Addition to Minneapolis, No. 357
HCL Bindery: Ferguson's Addition to Minneapolis, No. 358
HCL Bindery: Hennepin Ave. Add. to Minneapolis, No. 359
HCL Bindery: Woodford's Subdivision of the Southwest Quarter of Lot 6, Emerson's Addition to Minneapolis., No. 360
HCL Bindery: Blooming Prairie Add'tn to Minneapolis, No. 361
HCL Bindery: Allan and Anderson's Add'n to Minneapolis, No. 362
HCL Bindery: Newcomb's Subdivision of Block Nine, Corson's Addition to Minneapolis, No. 363
HCL Bindery: Plat of "College Point," Excelsior, Minn., No. 364
HCL Bindery: N.J. Stubb's 1st Subdivision, Lot 2, Sec. 11, T.117-R.23, No. 365
HCL Bindery: C.W. Foss Addition to Minneapolis, No. 366
HCL Bindery: Pitman's Sub' of Lot 14, Russell's Out Lots to Town of Minneapolis, No. 367
HCL Bindery: Sub. of Lots (1 & 2), Block (1), J.S. Johnson's Add'n to Minneapolis, No. 368
HCL Bindery: Plat of Hedderly's Addition to Minneapolis, March 27, '82, No. 369
HCL Bindery: Hastings Second Add'n to Minneapolis, No. 370
HCL Bindery: Plat of the Mather Subdivision of Lot 29, Fort Snelling Reservation, No. 371
HCL Bindery: Waveland, No. 372
HCL Bindery: Lyndale Avenue Addition to Minneapolis, No. 373
HCL Bindery: Plat of Newell's Addition to Minneapolis., No. 374
HCL Bindery: Hance's Add'n to Minneapolis, No. 375
HCL Bindery: Torrance, Tousley & McNair's Sub of Blocks . of Brackett & Bovey's Add'n to Minneapolis, No. 376
HCL Bindery: Haywood's Addition to Minneapolis, No. 377
HCL Bindery: Hobart's Add'n to Minneapolis, No. 378
HCL Bindery: Bishop's Sub'n of Block 10, University Add'n to Minneapolis, No. 379
HCL Bindery: L and R's Subdivision's in Lawrence and Reeve's Outlot's, No. 380
HCL Bindery: Nathan Herrick's Add' to Minneapolis., No. 381
HCL Bindery: Wilbers 2nd Add'n to Minneapolis, No. 382