HCL Bindery:
Ankney, Robinson & Pettit's Subdivision of Block 114 of the town of Minneapolis, No. 246
HCL Bindery:
Map of Perkins' Addition to Minneapolis, No. 247
HCL Bindery:
Sunny-View, No. 248
HCL Bindery:
G.N. Merriam's Addition to Minneapolis, No. 249
HCL Bindery:
Wyman & Dunn's Subdivision of Block 7, South Side Addition to Minneapolis, No. 250
HCL Bindery:
Amendment to Bradford and Bassett's Add, Embracing Blocks 4 & 5, Bradford and Lewis's Addn to Minneapolis, No. 251
HCL Bindery:
South Minneapolis Addition to Minneapolis, No. 252
HCL Bindery:
Plat of E.B. Smith's Land, Sec. 34 T.118, R.23, Platted in Accordance with General Tax Law of 1878, No. 253
HCL Bindery:
Lot 2 Subdivisions 2 & 3, Sec. 22 & 2 & 3, Sec. 23, T.29 R.24, also Subdivision 4, Sec. 22, T.29 R.24, No. 253 1/2
HCL Bindery:
Reesling's Add to Minneapolis, No. 255
HCL Bindery:
Hull's Addition to Minneapolis, No. 256
HCL Bindery:
Resurvey of Max Addition to Minneapolis, No. 259b (Smaller document)
HCL Bindery:
Resurvey of Max Addition to Minneapolis, No. 259a (Larger document)
HCL Bindery:
Map of Laflin's Add'n to Minneapolis, No. 260
HCL Bindery:
Subdivision Lot 1, Sec. 6, T. 117, N.R. 22, W., No. 261
HCL Bindery:
Remington's Subdivision of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 34, Tp. 29 N.R. 24 W., No. 263
HCL Bindery:
Russell's Addition to Minneapolis, No. 264
HCL Bindery:
Plat of Subdivision in Lot 1, Sec. 23, Town 117, North, Range 24 West 5th Pr. Merid, No. 265
HCL Bindery:
Parker's Addition to Minneapolis, No. 266
HCL Bindery:
Plat of Parker's Addition to Minneapolis, No. 266 1/2 - Copy
HCL Bindery:
Remington's Addition to Minneapolis, No. 267
HCL Bindery:
Map of Butters' Subdivision of Lots 1 and 2, Block 3 Nelson's Addition to Minneapolis, No. 268
HCL Bindery:
Plat of Lake Side Addition to Long Lake, No. 269
HCL Bindery:
Map of Road in Hennepin County and Ramsey County, Laid out by Fort Snelling Bridge Commissioners, No. 271 (Part 1)
HCL Bindery:
Map of Road in Hennepin County and Ramsey County, Laid out by Fort Snelling Bridge Commissioners, No. 271 (Part 2)