HCIL Symposium - Group Photostream: HCIL Director Jen Golbeck
HCIL Symposium - Group Photostream: HCIL Director Jen Golbeck handing things off to new HCIL Acting Director Mona Leigh Guha
HCIL Symposium - Group Photostream: HCIL Researcher and Former Director Allison Druin
HCIL Symposium - Group Photostream: HCIL Researcher and Former Director Ben Bederson
HCIL Symposium - Group Photostream: 2014 HCIL Symposium Cake
HCIL Symposium - Group Photostream: Brainstorming at the Hack Education! workshop...
HCIL Symposium - Group Photostream: Matt Mauriello talking about "Social Fabric Fitness"
HCIL Symposium - Group Photostream: Hack Education Selfie!
HCIL Symposium - Group Photostream: 2014-05-29 15.56.07-1