hc5duke: 52-17
hc5duke: DSC01344 - carolina
hc5duke: Clarinets
hc5duke: Kendra and Samira
hc5duke: Justin
hc5duke: Justin
hc5duke: Felkins
hc5duke: Samira
hc5duke: pre-game show
hc5duke: unc band
hc5duke: pregame at unc
hc5duke: Having a blast
hc5duke: Kim
hc5duke: Amanda
hc5duke: Baltz
hc5duke: the Mellos
hc5duke: Shelley
hc5duke: Kendra
hc5duke: Maxey
hc5duke: Samira feeling Kim's hair
hc5duke: Justin
hc5duke: John, Rebecca, and Justin
hc5duke: not looking good
hc5duke: drum line
hc5duke: Goalpost
hc5duke: not a happy crowd
hc5duke: We lost to Wake???
hc5duke: Justin in a fashionable poncho
hc5duke: not final score, but less painful to look at
hc5duke: Shelley and Sarah