hc5duke: Packing for an international flight with a 3 year old = sugar, sugar, and more sugar disguised as fruit.
hc5duke: pre-flight meal at SFO
hc5duke: All set for a 12-hour flight and watching 뽀로로.
hc5duke: Korean Air doesn't fuck around when it comes to kids meals
hc5duke: got her off of my chest finally
hc5duke: 1st gen iPad, still kicking after 4 years
hc5duke: Korean Air kids meal
hc5duke: outside view from in-flight entertainment unit
hc5duke: "Screen disabled while driving for safety"
hc5duke: view of namsan tower from behind the house
hc5duke: gotta wake him up somehow
hc5duke: Navajo: Western Bar
hc5duke: seafood
hc5duke: seafood
hc5duke: Studio "Jibri"
hc5duke: So red
hc5duke: gundam (emart?)
hc5duke: walking around Seoul
hc5duke: creepy statue in a kids park
hc5duke: another creepy statue
hc5duke: old people playing korean chess at a park
hc5duke: yongsan family park
hc5duke: totally not creepy spider
hc5duke: ducks
hc5duke: yongi
hc5duke: GFC selfie
hc5duke: view from Gangnam Finance Center
hc5duke: fake legos