addicted Eyes: Light Fabric!
addicted Eyes: A is for...
addicted Eyes: Lamp of Love
addicted Eyes: Boundary
addicted Eyes: the fire, it did a dance for me...
addicted Eyes: Indra's Net
addicted Eyes: love the motion...
addicted Eyes: Always keep an open mind and a compassionate heart...
addicted Eyes: Always remember to forget...
addicted Eyes: Agni's Dance or Drawing with Fire
addicted Eyes: Some people laughed to see the alternation in him, but he let them laugh...
addicted Eyes: "I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars." --Og Mandino
addicted Eyes: out of control....
addicted Eyes: 加快速度...or making the jump to hyperspace...
addicted Eyes: Many roads lead to the Path...
addicted Eyes: The Light...
addicted Eyes: Quite is the fire...
addicted Eyes: I Walk in a Daze...