hazelog: 楓ひろった
hazelog: いしがき
hazelog: Clover ♥
hazelog: かがみ
hazelog: カエル地蔵
hazelog: 箱庭竹林 (at The National Art Center Tokyo)
hazelog: 開花準備中
hazelog: ready for spring
hazelog: 桜と竹林✿
hazelog: Blooming Japanese maple
hazelog: sakura falling
hazelog: カエル地蔵
hazelog: Yellow wall
hazelog: picnic
hazelog: picnic
hazelog: Clover ♥
hazelog: 蜜あつめてる
hazelog: Blooming Olive
hazelog: うららか
hazelog: 素敵竹林♥
hazelog: 森girl
hazelog: 静寂
hazelog: cafe in woods.
hazelog: summer in KAGURAZAKA
hazelog: The Summer is in.
hazelog: しゃぼーん
hazelog: こもれび
hazelog: wired
hazelog: Gate lamp in woods
hazelog: Windows in woods