hazel610: yes a very good night
hazel610: work of art
hazel610: window
hazel610: window lit by candlelight
hazel610: window and architecture
hazel610: window again
hazel610: what a pulpit
hazel610: Wenceslas Square
hazel610: water wheel
hazel610: walking towards Powder Tower
hazel610: walking to the castle
hazel610: walking down from the castle
hazel610: walking across the bridge
hazel610: walk to the monastery
hazel610: waiting for spring
hazel610: view of Prague
hazel610: view from the castle
hazel610: very old church
hazel610: us in the square
hazel610: under the arch
hazel610: Tyn church
hazel610: tram system
hazel610: the Spanish synagoge
hazel610: the Jewish quarter
hazel610: the crowds gather
hazel610: the Black Madonna
hazel610: synagogue window
hazel610: synagoge
hazel610: such work
hazel610: such carvings