hazel610: window
hazel610: wider view
hazel610: where we were
hazel610: view from the other side
hazel610: view from the Mount of Olives
hazel610: tree of thorns
hazel610: through the trees
hazel610: the wall
hazel610: the valley beyond the city
hazel610: the tomb of John the Baptist
hazel610: the road down
hazel610: the Garden of Gethsemane, a 3000 year old tree
hazel610: the garden
hazel610: The Golden Gate
hazel610: the golden tops of Mary Magdelene church
hazel610: the group doing the Palm procession walk, very steep hill
hazel610: the horror hits home
hazel610: the language of Jesus, the Our Father
hazel610: the men at the Wall
hazel610: the cock that crew three times
hazel610: the domes over Caiphas house
hazel610: the crosses mean it was a Crusader church
hazel610: segregation at the Western Wall
hazel610: prayers at the wall
hazel610: prisoners such as Jesus were lowered down by rope through this hole
hazel610: ruins of Caiphas house
hazel610: people
hazel610: Peter betraying Jesus
hazel610: Peter denies Christ
hazel610: petitions and prayers in the grooves of the wall