hazel610: cup of tea anyone
hazel610: beautiful art work
hazel610: does the 1920s look suit me
hazel610: 3 flappers
hazel610: 1920s here we come
hazel610: Betty Blythe herself
hazel610: class at a glance
hazel610: Betty
hazel610: elegant table
hazel610: shall i sit here
hazel610: no Clare it goes round your nec
hazel610: Hilda Baker comes to mind
hazel610: Oh Hazel!!
hazel610: this is the way you wear it
hazel610: flappers
hazel610: lovely ladies who flap
hazel610: elegance
hazel610: too funny for words
hazel610: just resting 20s style
hazel610: pinkies at the ready
hazel610: ladies who lunch or do tea
hazel610: you put it on like this
hazel610: well who is that in the mirror