hazel610: street scene from the balcony
hazel610: the eye from the balcony with grey rain clouds
hazel610: what's that Barry
hazel610: table in the air and mirrored hall
hazel610: sightseeing
hazel610: The Greenhouse part of the Opera House
hazel610: having a chat
hazel610: on wall of Opera House
hazel610: across the roof
hazel610: cafe
hazel610: can you see Nelson
hazel610: looking down on Covent Garden
hazel610: on the balcony
hazel610: barry and Jo 2
hazel610: cousins
hazel610: looking down on champagne bar
hazel610: back of the facade
hazel610: looking out
hazel610: champagne bar
hazel610: crazy mirror of the Opera House
hazel610: Jo looking at the ballet dresses
hazel610: lighting 2
hazel610: lighting
hazel610: lightin
hazel610: phone boxes
hazel610: mannequin
hazel610: on the pillar
hazel610: corner of Opera House
hazel610: Barry and Jo
hazel610: London street scene