Hayes Valley Farm: A colorful wall of cardboard awaits its chance to build soil.
Hayes Valley Farm: Laying it on thick... 20 more cubic yards of nitrogen rich horse manure
Hayes Valley Farm: Booka and Jane - Resource Wranglers @ Hayes Valley Farm
Hayes Valley Farm: Moses is ready for the photo shoot.
Hayes Valley Farm: Happy Mother's Day Kat!
Hayes Valley Farm: Mothers Day at Hayes Valley Farm
Hayes Valley Farm: Early Elberta Peaches
Hayes Valley Farm: Peach Instructions
Hayes Valley Farm: Nursery Reaches New Ground
Hayes Valley Farm: Nursery Install
Hayes Valley Farm: Leveling ground with JB
Hayes Valley Farm: Ancient Technique of String Helps Gauge Levels
Hayes Valley Farm: Urban Archaeology
Hayes Valley Farm: Ancient Bottles
Hayes Valley Farm: Priming the Floor
Hayes Valley Farm: Sheetmulching 101
Hayes Valley Farm: The Off Ramp Lookin Good
Hayes Valley Farm: Avocados Naturally Cholesterol Free
Hayes Valley Farm: Bees Abuzz
Hayes Valley Farm: Bees on the Off Ramp
Hayes Valley Farm: Bees on the Ramp
Hayes Valley Farm: Anna Apples and Alberta Peaches
Hayes Valley Farm: Kids Rule!
Hayes Valley Farm: Karen and Chris Talk Bees
Hayes Valley Farm: Building Compost
Hayes Valley Farm: Carbon and Nitrogen Layers
Hayes Valley Farm: The straw windwall
Hayes Valley Farm: Glimpse into the Ravine