hayax: Andreas and Addy
hayax: moi in the studio
hayax: Wyatt and Josh
hayax: Ian and Kirsten
hayax: Fernando
hayax: Paul
hayax: My studio space!
hayax: James
hayax: the guys singing happy birthday for me! :)
hayax: moi
hayax: singing
hayax: the girls - Kiersten and Melissa
hayax: on break! me. melissa. seth. kiersten
hayax: Melissa
hayax: Kirby
hayax: Hi
hayax: BBQ outside Fham street (Industrial design department)
hayax: BBQ outside Fham street (Industrial design department)
hayax: BBQ at SCAD
hayax: Juliana
hayax: final presentation day
hayax: Pierre Me and mayssa
hayax: Mayssa
hayax: Addy, Andreas and me
hayax: Addy Andreas an me
hayax: Lauras back and Addy
hayax: Jelena, Thelly me and Pierre
hayax: Jelena, Thelly me and Pierre
hayax: graduation SCAD
hayax: jooyoung and kirby in boston