hawyn316: Grad Party: Beer and Pizza
hawyn316: Grad Party: Beer and Pizza
hawyn316: Second Class Citizens
hawyn316: Second Class Citizens
hawyn316: Second Class Citizens
hawyn316: Jen About to Receive Her Award
hawyn316: Shannon Presenting Jen Her Award
hawyn316: Jen Showing Off Her Award
hawyn316: Shannon Presenting Kehau Her Award
hawyn316: Kehau and Her Award
hawyn316: Kehau's Post-Award Speech
hawyn316: Shannon Presenting John His Award
hawyn316: Shannon Presenting John His Award
hawyn316: John's Post-Award Speech
hawyn316: Sharon About to Receive Her Award
hawyn316: Sharon's Post-Award Speech
hawyn316: Shannon Talking About Fern
hawyn316: Fern About to Get His Award
hawyn316: Shannon Presenting Fern his Award
hawyn316: Fern's Grad Speech
hawyn316: Fern's Grad Speech
hawyn316: John and Jen
hawyn316: Kehau
hawyn316: Sarah and Fern
hawyn316: Karaoke at Eight Fat Fat Eight
hawyn316: FISW Belligerent Graduation
hawyn316: FISW Belligerent Graduation
hawyn316: FISW Belligerent Graduation
hawyn316: FISW Belligerent Graduation
hawyn316: FISW Belligerent Graduation