hawkgenes: Robin with a song
hawkgenes: Bald Eagle portrait.
hawkgenes: Chaffinch on cherry blossom
hawkgenes: Robin sits on the fence
hawkgenes: Coal tit on the lilac (parus ater)
hawkgenes: Goldfinch in spring (carduelis carduelis)
hawkgenes: Golden eagle (best detail when large)
hawkgenes: Goldfinch on the blossoms
hawkgenes: Greenfinch on the lilac
hawkgenes: Greenfinch on stone
hawkgenes: Indian eagle owl singing
hawkgenes: kingfisher
hawkgenes: Dunnock on branch-1
hawkgenes: Long tail tit in spring (aegithalos caudatus)
hawkgenes: male chaffinch in grasses-1
hawkgenes: Blue tit feeding time (parus caeruleus)
hawkgenes: Chaffinch at Crimple-1
hawkgenes: Nuthatch on silver birch (sitta europaea)
hawkgenes: Jay walking (garrulus glandarius)
hawkgenes: Just robin
hawkgenes: Pekin robin on cherry blossom (leiothrix lutea)
hawkgenes: Great tit on pyracantha
hawkgenes: Pied wagtail (motacilla alba)
hawkgenes: Redshank at Blacktoft Sands, England (tringa erythropus)
hawkgenes: robin root & branches
hawkgenes: Robin & chinese winter berries
hawkgenes: Simple sparrow
hawkgenes: Shortie the female blackbird (turdus merula)
hawkgenes: male sparrow hawk (accipiter nisus)
hawkgenes: Song thrush (turdus philomelos)