haveyouseenthisgirl: hey elephant man
haveyouseenthisgirl: the lady fay
haveyouseenthisgirl: where can it be?
haveyouseenthisgirl: freddy, he is french
haveyouseenthisgirl: french freddy
haveyouseenthisgirl: hey mr soft
haveyouseenthisgirl: remember the hair?
haveyouseenthisgirl: motley is not the word
haveyouseenthisgirl: stupendous multi tasking
haveyouseenthisgirl: who ever said pointing was cool?
haveyouseenthisgirl: ceasar in his early days
haveyouseenthisgirl: is he the bloke off of the matrix?
haveyouseenthisgirl: the green room
haveyouseenthisgirl: my lady fay
haveyouseenthisgirl: the pink lady
haveyouseenthisgirl: i heart beer
haveyouseenthisgirl: my mate james
haveyouseenthisgirl: What is she thinking?
haveyouseenthisgirl: this is not conan