inside a Santeria temple, with an altar to Yemaya, goddess of the sea; we happened to be in Trinidad exactly on her birthday so there was a major ceremony going on
inside a Santeria temple, with an altar to Yemaya, goddess of the sea; we happened to be in Trinidad exactly on her birthday so there was a major ceremony going on
inside a Santeria temple, with an altar to Yemaya, goddess of the sea; we happened to be in Trinidad exactly on her birthday so there was a major ceremony going on
inside a Santeria temple, with an altar to Yemaya, goddess of the sea; we happened to be in Trinidad exactly on her birthday so there was a major ceremony going on
inside a Santeria temple, with an altar to Yemaya, goddess of the sea; we happened to be in Trinidad exactly on her birthday so there was a major ceremony going on
inside a Santeria temple, with an altar to Yemaya, goddess of the sea; we happened to be in Trinidad exactly on her birthday so there was a major ceremony going on
inside a Santeria temple, with an altar to Yemaya, goddess of the sea; we happened to be in Trinidad exactly on her birthday so there was a major ceremony going on (check out the white doves)
museum of the counterrevolution in Trinidad; scraps of a US U2 spyplane Cuba shot down while we were still trying to overthrow Castro
hilarious tiny-scale replica of a CIA assassination attempt against Fidel in the early 60's (which may or may not have actually happened)