Steve Amaon Photography: DSC00055-E - Monte de Oro Winery
Steve Amaon Photography: DSC00052-E - Bottaia Winery
Steve Amaon Photography: DSC09881-E - Celebrating 50 Years In A Roundabout
Steve Amaon Photography: DSC07254-HDR - Temecula Valley Wine Country, California
Steve Amaon Photography: DSC00136-E - Cheers!
Steve Amaon Photography: DSC01701 - Full Moon Over Bottaia Winery (Temecula, California)
Steve Amaon Photography: DSC05761-E - Cheers
Steve Amaon Photography: DSC07158-E-2 - Here's To 2021, May It NOT Be 2020!
Steve Amaon Photography: Bottaia-E2 - Bottaia Winery Night Sky