Shoot Straighter: Main (lower) deck w/ Arctic Willow hedge
Shoot Straighter: Main (lower) deck) w/ pergola, built-in bench and meal-time deck furniture
Shoot Straighter: Steps to upper deck w/ "breakfast nook"
Shoot Straighter: Steps down from upper deck w/ planter box and bar-style handrails
Shoot Straighter: Dual access stairs and mini-garden treatment
Shoot Straighter: Meshed original with last year's work and the brand new...
Shoot Straighter: Transition from another angle
Shoot Straighter: Meandering walkway to rear
Shoot Straighter: Meandering walkway to front
Shoot Straighter: Front Connection
Shoot Straighter: Street Smart
Shoot Straighter: Tiered gardens and front steps
Shoot Straighter: Working with curves, not angles...
Shoot Straighter: Abstract driveway
Shoot Straighter: Aster's Last Stand
Shoot Straighter: Evening visitor
Shoot Straighter: Screenshot