Carla216: Madame Curie overlay
Carla216: In case of loss...
Carla216: "For love...has two faces; one white, the other black..."
Carla216: my stitch dictionary
Carla216: Buy more pens. Again.
Carla216: grocery shopping
Carla216: Follow your dreams
Carla216: Don't know what to do? Now he has his own to-do list. :D
Carla216: Bookmark: Knitting and reading are the suns that sustain my small planet.
Carla216: Alien!
Carla216: thanks, Tim
Carla216: Wood and hammers build more than structures.
Carla216: Juliette Low, 1860-1927
Carla216: Frank Zappa, 1940-1993
Carla216: Carl Jung, 1875-1961
Carla216: Sigmund Freud, 1856-1939
Carla216: KentWarhol--Friend in Four Panels
Carla216: Watching the stars
Carla216: Greetings and salutations.
Carla216: Named for "Parisian Waltz for Cello and Guitar", by Muriel Anderson
Carla216: ...and, finally, the more traditional, formal black :D
Carla216: once more, matching those punk rock goggles, just 'cause
Carla216: I loved this kid's picture and enjoyment so much.
Carla216: Han Solo was right.
Carla216: Dislike of summer, under glass.
Carla216: Turnabout is more than fair play.
Carla216: iVirginity
Carla216: Kent, deconstructed and polaroidized.
Carla216: "Good enough for gov'ment work" is not good enough.
Carla216: Okay, say cheese, everybody.