hauntbetty: freshman_82
hauntbetty: me_tina_94
hauntbetty: freshman_santa
hauntbetty: glamour_93, ewwww
hauntbetty: 85_prom_table
hauntbetty: 85_prom
hauntbetty: me_85
hauntbetty: bobby_me_richie_85
hauntbetty: 85 at strawbridge lake
hauntbetty: 85 at strawbridge lake
hauntbetty: 92 AJ's shower
hauntbetty: first_grade
hauntbetty: kindergarten
hauntbetty: me, Juanita and Muffet 7th grade
hauntbetty: 8th grade graduation
hauntbetty: me, 5th grade
hauntbetty: 1990_me_cyndi
hauntbetty: me_billy_89
hauntbetty: 89_me_terry
hauntbetty: me_89
hauntbetty: me, brandie and richie
hauntbetty: 85 me and todd
hauntbetty: 85, me and todd
hauntbetty: first santa pic
hauntbetty: me and mom
hauntbetty: sophomore year 83
hauntbetty: bobby
hauntbetty: dad (on right)
hauntbetty: me... 85