hattalahutta: Flower Power!
hattalahutta: Spelling her name in crackers
hattalahutta: Admiring the view
hattalahutta: Reunited after the holidays :)
hattalahutta: Educating the kids
hattalahutta: Guarding the beer tap
hattalahutta: Reading Alien comics
hattalahutta: Trying to look intelligent
hattalahutta: Meet the troll
hattalahutta: The family looking out from an airplane window
hattalahutta: Airplane food (and wine)
hattalahutta: On a fancy restaurant
hattalahutta: Mysterious Boll
hattalahutta: Nativity scene
hattalahutta: A little forest friend
hattalahutta: The kids testing coffee mugs
hattalahutta: Basking in the sun
hattalahutta: Yummy ants :)
hattalahutta: Celebrating the new year with my boyfriend
hattalahutta: Planning to take over the world
hattalahutta: Meeting a relative
hattalahutta: Playing in the snow
hattalahutta: Travelsickness
hattalahutta: Reading tarot cards
hattalahutta: Tarzan!
hattalahutta: Peek-a-boo
hattalahutta: Playing Warhammer RPG
hattalahutta: Beer, please!
hattalahutta: A small snack
hattalahutta: Woohoo