hathu-: lotus
hathu-: glamorous white
hathu-: twin drops
hathu-: from behind the tree
hathu-: butterfly on a leaf
hathu-: ripe and beginning to fade
hathu-: spikey purplish flower
hathu-: ant macro
hathu-: cover me with your love
hathu-: mangoes at arms reach..
hathu-: on a monday afternoon
hathu-: flowers
hathu-: red flowers
hathu-: water on white
hathu-: leaves
hathu-: droplets on leaves
hathu-: spider
hathu-: focus on the cactus
hathu-: feeding time
hathu-: you are the reason that i'm alive
hathu-: Even animals have feelings
hathu-: It's funny... we used to be impatient about growing up.. but when we eventually do we really miss our childhood
hathu-: "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." - Mahatma Gandhi
hathu-: a gift to you all
hathu-: Beauty..
hathu-: islands in the blue
hathu-: afterglow
hathu-: dead against the living sky
hathu-: backlit clouds
hathu-: the story of a coconut..