hashmita a.: brand new colony
hashmita a.: winter blues...and pinks.
hashmita a.: up high
hashmita a.: FINALLY!
hashmita a.: stranger
hashmita a.: downtown .
hashmita a.: impromptu smores
hashmita a.: our amazing buddy burner
hashmita a.: my friends are beautious.
hashmita a.: details .
hashmita a.: brownstone bistro
hashmita a.: i set my thought to far off destinations, so they may have a chance of finding a place where they're far more suited than here.
hashmita a.: love this city.
hashmita a.: wordlessly watching .
hashmita a.: georgia .
hashmita a.: they should be off.
hashmita a.: watermelon season
hashmita a.: take off your shoes and socks, and stay awhile.
hashmita a.: There was only one truth about forever that really mattered, and that was this: it was happening.
hashmita a.: streetsville.
hashmita a.: i know what to say, but don't know where to begin .
hashmita a.: It was the same beach, the same sun. The same shirt and pants. The same girl walking beside him. And yet somehow different.