Hashim JDM: D10 Leaving
Hashim JDM: Umeed Leaving
Hashim JDM: two Friends, two Honda's , two Love
Hashim JDM: Stance EF
Hashim JDM: Danish with only 24K KMS driven SX8
Hashim JDM: A diesel GT.. :/
Hashim JDM: Another Use of Tow Hook
Hashim JDM: well..thats me
Hashim JDM: EF and EK
Hashim JDM: Our Organizer Bhaiii
Hashim JDM: Swift
Hashim JDM: Line Up
Hashim JDM: Stance Lineup
Hashim JDM: Waqar EK
Hashim JDM: LowRolla
Hashim JDM: hmmmm
Hashim JDM: Stock as ****