H a s h e e d: Common Palm fly
H a s h e e d: Explored on 3rd Sept 2010
H a s h e e d: Dragon Fly
H a s h e e d: Butterfly
H a s h e e d: Common Picturewing
H a s h e e d: Dragon fly
H a s h e e d: Small one in the Big world
H a s h e e d: D1SCN1331
H a s h e e d: Butterfly
H a s h e e d: Butterfly
H a s h e e d: Double Delight
H a s h e e d: IMG_0175
H a s h e e d: Injured Beauty
H a s h e e d: The butterfly is a flying flower
H a s h e e d: Flowers and butterflies drift in color, illuminating spring.(Front Page)
H a s h e e d: Love is like a butterfly, hold it too tight, it'll crush. Hold it too loose, it'll fly.(Explored !!!)
H a s h e e d: If you truly love Nature, you will find beauty everywhere (Explored)
H a s h e e d: Tears of joy are like the summer rain drops pierced by sunbeams....(Explored !!!)
H a s h e e d: Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.....(Explored !!!)
H a s h e e d: Flowers are the music of the ground... From earth's lips spoken without sound.......(Explored!!!).
H a s h e e d: Be like the flower, turn your faces to the sun (Explored!!!)
H a s h e e d: Welcome 2011......Good Bye 2010......(Front Page !!!)
H a s h e e d: When words escape, flowers speak (Front Page!!!)
H a s h e e d: The flower which is single need not envy the thorns that are numerous...(Front Page!!)
H a s h e e d: The butterfly is a flying flower, The flower a tethered butterfly...(Front Page!!)
H a s h e e d: Art strives for form, and hopes for beauty....(Explored !!!)
H a s h e e d: It is love alone that gives worth to all things...(Front Page !!!)
H a s h e e d: The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection. (Explored !!!)
H a s h e e d: Experience is a dim lamp, which only lights the one who bears it...(Explore Front Page !!)
H a s h e e d: Love conquers all...